I am the Editor-in-Chief of The International Journal of Women, Sustainability and Leaderships Studies. A publication produced by the Women Sustainability Forum - the fastest-growing connector of women in sustainability science, policy and practice. The journal is an open-access online collaborative journal providing services to exceptional women and men in sustainability leading academic and policy-relevant research. Specializing primarily in women, sustainability and leadership studies, eWisely Scientific Journal is branching out in to other sustainability science disciplines providing opportunities for scholars to post their early research, collaborate on theories and discoveries, and get credit for their ideas before peer reviewed publication. The Journal Editorial Board accepts original research, reports, and literature reviews in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
The Journal is instrumental as a starting point for Master and PhD students, researchers and institutional faculty to post early-stage research, prior to publication in academic journals. We make it simple for exceptional women in sustainability to post their working papers and abstracts. Academics and researchers can browse our issues and upload their own papers free of charge. Majority of papers can be downloaded from the journal are free of charge. Download submission guidelines and submit manuscript to [email protected] or click visit WomenSustainability.Forum |
Issue 1
Issue 2