In collaboration with partners I deliver capacity-building and training (in-situ and online) across various areas of sustainability science, policy and practice and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Find some of my past and current engagements on the map and news reports below. Interested in partnering with me? email me at [email protected]
Conexión Sur Sur – Avances y Retos de la Agenda de Recuperación Transformadora en América Latina”
Impact: I was invited as a guest speaker at the Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Brazil. Under the program South-South Connection, my presentation explored the advances and challenges towards the transformation of Colombia in relation to sustainable resource development.
Stakeholders & Collaborators:
Sustainability Symposium
Impact: I moderated a discussion panel at the inaugural Australia-Latin American Sustainability Symposium organised by The University of Queensland, Australia and and the Australia-Latin America Business Council (ALABC). This is the first inaugural iteration of the Sustainability Symposium.
The event sought to bring together the resource industry (Orica, Newcrest, BHP, MMG, diplomats, professionals, policymakers, and students to discuss the role of the resource sector in achieving the Sustainable development Goals. Stakeholders & Collaborators:
Sustainable Investing
Impact: I was speaking at a conference on sustainable investment organized at Brown University. This is the second annual iteration of the Future of Sustainable Investing conference.
The event sought to bring together academics, industry professionals, policymakers, and students to discuss how the capital markets can be leveraged for sustainable development. I participated in a panel discussing ESG data and disclosure, impact investment, among others. Stakeholders & Collaborators:
ESG Indicators in the Andean Region
Impact: In collaboration with colleagues from the extractive industry in the Andean region, we discussed ESG issues, the role of the industry in performing against ESG indicators and metrics to measure the impact of mining operations.
Stakeholders & Collaborators:
Land Restoration for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 16
Impact: Our latest UN policy-relevant research piece on Land Restoration for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal SDG16 has been released. We are pleased to have contributed to the United Nations International Resource Panel Report ‘Land Restoration for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals’. The Report was recently presented at the UNCCD COP14 in New Delhi, India.
In collaboration with Prof. @Saleem Ali from the University of Delaware (U.S.A), we recommend that ‘disputes over land need to be adjudicated fairly so that a respect for the judicial process can also prevent conflict escalation. Land restoration also provides an opportunity to “enlarge the pie” for dispute resolution pathways and possible solutions out of intractable conflict’. Stakeholders & Collaborators:…/land-restoration-achieving- |
Gender Inclusion in the Mining Industry: The Chilean Case through Global/Local Gender Lens
Impact: In collaboration with colleagues from Universidad Catolica del Norte in Chile, we recently published our research ‘Sustainable Gender Inclusion in the Mining Industry: The Chilean Case through Global/Local Gender Lens’. Our research links to SDG 5 (Gender Equality) and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). Based on a case study methodology and discourse analysis, the study involved industry leaders, women in mining in Chile, civil society organisations, academia and policy makers. Findings show that higher education institutions are accountable for enhancing women’s soft skills such as, adaptability, strategy, leadership, team work, etc. However, a major problem confronting the industry is the lack of corporate and government policies that allow women to be included in male-dominated environments at early stages of their career. Findings can be applied to other mining context in Latin America or elsewhere.
Research outputs were published in Spanish in the book Development and Underdevelopment in Chile published by Universidad Catolica del Norte in Antofagasta, Chile. Email me at [email protected]for a copy of this research output. Stakeholders & Collaborators: Universidad Catolica del Norte in Antofagasta, Chile United Nations University: Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability |
It's not just a Women's Issue:
Impact: Based on scientific research, the video-documentary 'Sustainable Leadership: Women in Unconventional Fields: the Latin American Case' increases our awareness of women's challenges in unconventional fields such as the extractive industry. Some of the lessons derived from this study are as follows:
1. Gender diversity and equality are both contradictory approaches 2. Under the gender diversity equality, women are being tasked with multiple responsibility that are not adequately compensated 3. Under the gender equality paradigm, women feel pressured to behave like men to please male dominated industries. The video was produced in Spanish with subtitles in English. The video can be watched in the link below: Video-documentary 'Sustainable Leadership: Women in Unconventional Fields: the Latin American Case Stakeholders & Collaborators: Mineros S.A Exceptional Women in Sustainability |
TV Show: Women Sustaining our World!
Impact: I was fortunate to connect with Exceptional Women in Sustainability from Honduras (eWiselyHonduras). Learn about the story of a woman entrepreneur from Honduras who is transforming the lives of humble communities in her country. Through sustainable coffee production, Mayra Ollenera-Powell, the Founder of Catracha Coffee Co empowers hundreds of women and builds resilient communities in rural Honduras.
Watch the TV Show to Mayra here Connect with eWisely Honduras here Learn more about the interlinkages between SDG 5 Gender Equality and SDG 12 Sustainable Consumption and Production in our latest policy brief in collaboration with colleagues at the United Nations University - Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. Download policy brief here Stakeholders & Collaborators: Catracha Coffee Co |
The Latin American Forum
Impact: I participated in a vibrant discussion on how universities in Latin America and the Caribbean can better action and localise the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The World University Rankings were also presented at THE LATIN AMERICAN FORUM held in Lima, Peru.
Stakeholders & Collaborators: University of Piuna, Peru The Times The Latin American Forum Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru Universidad de Monterrey United Nations University: Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability |
Exceptional Women in Sustainability Forum
Impact: At the global level, there has been a rapid development of the extractive industry (mining, oil and gas), compromising human capital in the regions where it operates, particularly that of women. In this context, the Forum explored the links between the extractive industry and opportunities for the sustainable human capital development of women in the extractive industry. The absence of an approach for the attraction, retention and sustainable development of women in the extractive industry, in the current scenario is not only causing productivity losses in extractive companies, but also puts at risk regional sustainability. In this context, the objective of the Forum was to carry out an informative / consultative process to explore opportunities for attraction and sustainable human capital development of women in the extractive industry (mining, oil and gas) at the local and global levels. It also sought to generate recommendations aimed at creating social and corporate sustainability approaches that generate added value for various stakeholders, namely, industry, women in mining, oil and gas, governments and civil society. Some of the topics covered by the Forum were, among others: 1. Sustainable human. capital development of women in industry: A new approach to corporate social sustainability 2. Attraction and retention of women in the extractive industry 3. Women in mining, oil and gas: An emerging global approach to social license in the extractive industry Stakeholders & Collaborators:
Outcome: Forum's Report is available in the link below ![]()
Sustainable Community Development in Post-conflict Resource Regions - Fieldwork
Impact: My research in sustainable resource development took me to the region of Muzo in Boyacá, Colombia, where I conducted field research for the Center of Excellence in Mining, an initiative led by the Australian Government headed by The University of Queensland. Together with Prof. Oliveira from Brasil, we collected data from local communities in regards to mining as a driver of local development. We heard firsthand stories from artisanal miners, female community leaders and professional women miners in the emerald mine site of Puerto Arturo in Muzo, Boyacá. Stakeholders & Collaborators:
Sustainable Community Development in Post-conflict Resource Regions - Consultation Workshop
Impact: After extensive fieldwork with local communities in Muzo, Boyaca, I co-organised the consultation workshop with Senior Executives at the corporate and government levels in Bogota, Colombia. The consultation aimed to contrast community perceptions against stakeholders' perceptions at the local and national levels of governance on sustainable resource development in the emerald mining industry. The Centre of Excellence in Mining is an initiative led by the Australian Government headed by The University of Queensland. Stakeholders & Collaborators:
Exceptional Women in Sustainability Forum
Impact: The Forum was able to convene participants from various interest groups (private sector, government, academia and civil society). The first part of the event was held in a chair format, while in the second part evolved into a consultation workshop. The findings of the workshop allowed us to respond in a preliminary way to the problems related to sustainable human capital development, attraction and retention of women in the extractive industry. The contribution of the participants allowed us to better understand the opportunities and challenges of the extractive industry. Findings recommended effective collaboration processes to leverage the role of women as an axis central to the sustainable regional development.
Stakeholders & Collaborators:
Outcome: Forum's Report is available in the link below |
TV Show: Exceptional Women in Sustainability
Impacto: TV SHOW (en español únicamente)
ODS 5 - Igualdad de Género e Integración Sustentable de las Mujeres en la Industria Minera: El Caso Chileno desde una Perspectiva de Género Global/Local’ El TV show presenta hallazgos investigativos de un estudio que involucró varios grupos de interés en la industria extractiva y la exploración de prácticas globales en África y Asia-Pacífico acerca de la integración de la mujer en el sector. Soportado en una exploración detallada del contexto Chileno, los hallazgos más significativos muestran que: - Chile, un país con un potencial minero de cobre de un 29,2% (a la fecha de realización del estudio), tiene sólo un 7,5% de recurso humano femenino, que comparado con otros casos como el Australiano, es cerca de la mitad. - El estudio también mostró que sólo un 4,3% de los matriculados en carreras técnicas relacionadas con la minería, son mujeres. - Asimismo, encontramos fuertes estereotipos de género, acoso y altos niveles de deserción de mujeres una vez son madres. - Las leyes laborales, al igual que en el caso Africano (explorado también en este estudio), no son suficientemente flexibles para facilitar la participación de las mujeres en la industria, perpetuando prácticas desiguales en un sector que require de capital humano capacitado. - Nuestro estudio propone un enfoque de sustentabilidad de género que permita responder a las necesidades de las mujeres en la industria y que involucre un componente de liderazgo, empleo, educación, innovación y emprendimiento para las mujeres en la sector y las comunidades adyacentes a proyectos mineros. Stakeholders & Colaboradores - Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile United Nations University - Institute for The Advanced Study of Sustainability - eWisely Antofagasta Outcome: A copy of the final research outcome can be requested at [email protected] |
TV Show: Exceptional Women in Sustainability
Impacto: Mujeres Investigadoras en América Latina y el alcance de los ODS (en español únicamente).
En este TV show comparto casos de mujeres investigadoras en América Latina y el Caribe que exploran el alcance de los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) con perspectiva de género. El documental corto se realizó en el marco del THE LATIN AMERICAN FORUM llevado a cabo en Lima Perú. El video show muestra las áreas prioritarias para las mujeres en el alcance de la Agenda 2030 en conexión con los ODS10 Reducción de las Desigualdades, ODS11, Comunidades y Ciudades Sostenibles, ODS5, Igualdad de Género, ODS8 Trabajo Decente y Crecimiento Económico y ODS 4 Educación de Calidad. Stakeholders & Colaboradores:
TV Show: Exceptional Women in Sustainability
&Topic: SDG 11 and Empowering Women and Building Resilient Communities through Sustainable Coffee Production
Impact: Women Sustaining our World! Learn about the story of a woman entrepreneur from Honduras who is transforming the lives of humble communities in her country. Mayra Ollenera-Powell, the Founder of Catracha Coffee Co empowers hundreds of women and contributes to build sustainable communities in rural Honduras through sustainable coffee production. Stakeholders & Collaborators - Exceptional Women in Sustainability Honduras - eWiselyHonduras - Catracha Coffee Co |
Radio Show: Exceptional Women in Sustainability
Tema: ODS 10 y reducción de las desigualdades en comunidades vulnerables en Chile
Impacto: En este episodio conectamos con una mujer excepcional en sostenibilidad, Pamela Gallo, líder para eWisely Santiago (Exceptional Women in Sustainability Santiago). Pamela narra su historia de emprendimiento social sostenible en el contexto Chileno a través de la Fundación Personas a la Obra y el el alcance del Objetivo del Desarrollo 10 (Reducción de las Desigualdades) Stakeholders y Colaboradores:
TV Show: Exceptional Women in Sustainability
Tema: Acerca de la localización de los ODS y los retos de las mujeres en sostenibilidad
Impacto: En este episodio (en español) compartimos un eCafe con Tatiana Garcia, una Mujer Excepcional en Sostenibilidad. Tatiana ha liderado temas relacionados con la localización de los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), particularmente en Medellín, Colombia. Tatiana es una mujer migrante y nos narra los retos que implica migrar y retomar el viaje hacia la sostenibilidad en contextos diferentes al país de origen. En este viaje hacia la sostenibilidad, Tatiana conecta el ODS 17 Alianzas para Lograr los Objetivos y el ODS 10 Reducción de las Desigualdades. Stakeholders & Collaborators - Tatiana Garcia, eWisely España |
Radio Show: Exceptional Women in Sustainability
Tema: ODS 10 y reducción de las desigualdades en comunidades vulnerables en Chile
Impacto: En esta episodio (en español ) celebramos el comienzo del conector eWisely Paraguay y con motivo de esta celebración, en el Radio Show de esta semana, compartiremos un eCafe con Mónica Alonso, líder de ‘Exceptional Women in Sustainability Paraguay (eWiselyParaguay)’. Madre de 4 hijos y profesional en sostenibilidad, Mónica nos narra su trayectoria conectándo los ODS 8 Empleo Digno y Crecimiento Económico, ODS 15 Flora y Fauna Terrestres y ODS 17 Alianzas para el logro de los objetivos. Ella también nos dará recomendaciones acerca de como equilibrar familia-trabajo y hace un llamado a otras mujeres en sostenibilidad a no ser las boicoteadoras de sus propios sueños. Felicidades a Mónica por posicionarse como embajadora de las mujeres Paraguayas en el conector de mujeres excepcionales en sostenibilidad de mayor impacto, con cerca de +60 conectores globales y +8,000 seguidores y líderes en el mundo. Stakeholders & Colaboradores:
TV Show: Exceptional Women in Sustainability
Tema: Acerca de Mujeres Científicas en Sostenibilidad
Impacto: Este episodio conmemora el día de las mujeres científicas, y con motivo de esta celebración, en este episodio de eWisely TV Show compartiremos un eCafe con una de las líderes para ‘Exceptional Women in Sustainability Colombia (eWisely, Colombia)’ quien a través del conector eWisely, logró realizar su estancia de investigación en Australia en el último semestre de su Doctorado. Natalia nos da tips acerca de como aprovechar el potencial del conector eWisely. El conector de mujeres en política, profesionales y científicas en sostenibilidad, con cerca de +60 conectores globales y +8,000 seguidores y líderes en el mundo. Felicidades a todas las mujeres científicas en sostenibilidad en eWisely. Este episodio conecta ODS9, ODS17 y ODS5 Stakeholders & Collaborators - Natalia Cano, eWisely Colombia |
Pioneering Women in Mining Latin America: “Integrating a Gender Lens into the Industry”
Topic: Women in Mining Latin America
Impact: On April 12th 2014, eWisely launched 'Women in Mining and Resources in Latin America (WIMLATAM) Project'. The launch led to the first round of workshops “Integrating a Gender Lens into the Industry”. eWisely and WIMLATAM are initiatives I have pioneered in collaboration with colleagues. WIMLATAM workshops aimed to provide participants with practical recommendations, as follows:
Throughout the workshop, we had the support of the International Mining for Development Centre, the Observatory for Gender and Equality, the Instituto Nacional de Normalización and Mujer Opina. The event was attended by representatives from the mining industry (AngloAmericanChile), foundations (Fundacion Los Pelambres), consulting (Crecer Consultores, Gestion Social) and academia. Stakeholders & Collaborators - International Mining for Development Centre - eWisely (Exceptional Women in Sustainability), WIMLATAM (Women in Mining & Resources Latin America) - The Observatory for Gender and Equality - Instituto Nacional de Normalización - Mujer Opina - Anglo American Chile - Fundacion Los Pelambres - Crecer Consultores - Gestion Social - Academics |
Radio Show: Marielena Lucen, Peruvian Government
Impact: Welcome to the Sustainoleadership Podcast Series: where sustainoleaders connect and share leadership stories and challenges in their journey towards a Sustainable Future! This month, our guest is Marialena Lucen with extensive global experience governance in extractive industries. Marialena works for the Peruvian Govrnment and is a former leader eWisely Peru. In this episode (supported by eWisely, Marialena remids us of the importance of acknowledging the sustainable leadership of women in male dominated industries such as mining. Please find the podcast in Spanish in the link below. Interested in being featured as the next sustainoleader? Please send us an email to [email protected] Podcast: 'Es importante reconocer el rol de la mujer en la industria minera' ( 'It is important to acknowledge the role of women in mining') Stakeholders & Collaborators - eWisely (Exceptional Women in Sustainability) - Peruvian Government |
Guest Lecturer on Sustainable Resource Development
Impact: I was invited as a guest lecturer at the School of Mines, Universidad Nacional de Colombia to teach Master students on sustainable resource development. Participant students engaged in practical applications of tools and models to sustainability in mining resource regions of Colombia.
Stakeholders & Collaborators - School of Mines, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - The University of Queensland, Australia |
Fieldwork on Sustainable Resource Development
Impact: I conducted fieldwork in Segovia, Colombia on sustainable resource development. During my field trip I also engaged with women entrepreneurs and former women miners who have been able to obtain sustainable outcomes out of the resource boom, in a male-dominated community.
Stakeholders & Collaborators - The University of Queensland, Australia - International Mining for Development Centre - State Government of Antioquia - Local Government of Segovia - Continental Gold Mining Company |
Seminar and Consultation Workshop on Planning for Mining Regions
Impact: I led a consultation workshop with stakeholders in involved in mining and exploration projects in Risaralda, Colombia. Participants discussed and came up with agreements on sustainable resource development, small-scale mining and sustainable outcomes for communities adjacent to mining operations.
Stakeholders & Collaborators - State Government of Risaralda, Colombia - Seafield Resources Exploration Company - National Police of Colombia - Community members - The University of Queensland |